Thursday, March 19, 2009

To her

I wonder if you're really gone. I'm torn between sad, angry, disappointed and calm. Although there's a new spark -so refreshing- it can't fill with light the void you left; not yet. I don't know if it's supposed to do so, I don't even know if it's staying. I don't know if I want it to numb the pain completely, cause it means I could stop caring. What if I don't need you anymore? What if I start replacing you with parts of other people? What if you come back and I can't handle it? What if the spark becomes a true friend... what if it gives me the same peace of mind you did.
It's just so sad that I have almost everything I've been trying to hold on to for a long time... he's mine and I'm his, she came back and it's like she never left. But you're missing and I don't understand why. It hurts. I just miss you...

1 comentarios:

Rodrigo DaCunha said...

it only hurts when you realized that that spark is not shiny the way it used to...
just beautiful

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